Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I've been kinda "bleh" today. I didn't go to school because of like 40 mph winds and slick roads (And I drive a Tracker which blows in the wind and is rear wheel drive).

Spent most of the day just staying inside, surfing the internet, and getting tired of Fox pulling the 9/11 card repeatedly against Cloverfield. In one video they even say that no disaster film should be set in New York City unless it is specifically about 9/11 or makes a statement against the terrorists.

Come on. It's a monster movie, watch it as a monster movie. I'm tired of this 9/11 crap. It's been almost 7 years. I saw it live on CNN, I watched the wars unfold, I saw the reveal that Bush was wrong. I saw it all. The 9/11 chapter closed in 2003 when we stopped looking for Osama and decided to attack Iraq (For no real reason, just a fake one from one unconfirmable source). Stop pulling out the 9/11 card every single day. It's offensive.

Should I also mention that the only other major release this week was 27 Dresses, a Fox film?

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