Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More WTC work.

I did some work on the south side of WTC 4, did some work on the top floor frames around the windows of the two towers, and did some work on WTC3.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Work continues on World Trade Center model :)

I started working on the other plaza buildings. I have the upper six floors of WTC 4, WTC 5, and WTC 6 and about 50% of the work done on WTC 3. I haven't started on WTC 7 yet, however I'm pleased with my progress. All the new work was done in one evening.

World Trade Center Model in Wireframe.

Just to show you the amount of work I put into this model (which is still a work in progress btw) in ONE day, here's a wireframe render of it:

Enjoy! :)

Ok, I'm mad now.

Someone downvoted my render of my World Trade Center so now it's at 2/5.

They probably did it because it wasn't done in G-Mod and didn't have animated people falling through the air and splatting on the ground. Or have an infinite loop of explosions.

Why doesn't my model have that? I have a sense of decency. Something like 95% of Americans under the age of 40 don't have anymore.

Friday, February 1, 2008

3D World Trade Center Towers

Did a quick model of the twin towers of the World Trade Center:

Nifty, isn't it?

Look out! It's teh snow! O_O.

At least the cold will slow any remaining zombie infection left over from the SDC's sterilization protocol.